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Do the pots from Léon & George have drainage holes?

No, our ceramic pots do not have drainage holes. However, we use a method called "staging" to prevent overwatering and ensure proper drainage for your plants.

What is staging and how does it help?

Staging involves keeping the plant in its original plastic nursery pot, which has drainage holes, and placing this pot inside the decorative ceramic planter. This allows excess water to drain out of the nursery pot, preventing water from accumulating at the bottom of the ceramic pot.

Benefits of Staging

  1. Easy Swapping: Quickly move plants between pots without mess.
  2. Better Watering: Easily remove the nursery pot for a thorough watering in the sink or bathtub.
  3. Monitoring Growth: Lift the nursery pot to check root growth and determine when repotting is needed.
Plant Staging

Are your plants safe for pets and children?

Most plants are totally safe to the touch for pets and children. Some plants may irritate the stomach if ingested in large quantities by a pet, and we note this on the plant's page before buying it. Generally we recommend keeping all plants out of immediate reach of pets and children. See all pet-safe plants

Are the mid-century ceramic pots suitable for outdoor use?

Yes, the mid-century ceramic pots are designed for both indoor and outdoor use. They are fully waterproof, ensuring they won't damage floors or outdoor surfaces. However, it's recommended to bring them indoors during extreme weather conditions to maintain their longevity and the health of your plants​​​ (Leon & George)​.

For more details and to browse the collection, visit Léon & George's mid-century ceramic pots collection.

Your plants look so perfect in the pictures… Are they real?!

Yes! Our plants are 100% real, which means that they'll need a little TLC to keep growing. But thanks to our plant care and design team, they'll be styled, nurtured, and primed for life indoors before they arrive at your door. And we promise, if you're kind to your plants, they'll return the favor! Learn about the health benefits of spending time around plants.

How do I care for plants in mid-century ceramic pots?

Due to their thoughtful design, caring for plants in mid-century ceramic pots from Léon & George is straightforward. The pots are water-sealed to prevent leaks, making them safe for indoor use on any surface. Additionally, plants remain in their nursery pots within the ceramic containers, facilitating better moisture control and easy repotting.

What makes Léon & George's mid-century ceramic pots unique?

Léon & George's mid-century ceramic pots are crafted from high-fired stoneware, making them exceptionally durable and 100% waterproof. Each pot is hand-finished and paired with reclaimed wood stands, available in teak or mahogany, which underscores a commitment to sustainability. These designs not only provide a nod to classic mid-century aesthetics but also ensure that your plants have optimal airflow and drainage for healthy growth​ (Leon & George)​​ (La Résidence)​.

What maintenance is required for office plants?

Office plants generally require low to moderate maintenance to thrive. Here are some essential tips for keeping them healthy:

Watering: Ensure plants are watered regularly but avoid overwatering. Most office plants, like the Snake Plant and Dracaena, prefer their soil to dry out between waterings.

Light: Place plants in areas with appropriate light levels. Medium-light plants like the Braided Money Tree and Dracaena Lisa thrive in indirect light, making them suitable for most office settings.

Cleaning: Regularly dust the leaves to ensure they can photosynthesize effectively. This also helps keep them looking vibrant.

Pruning: Remove dead or yellowing leaves to encourage new growth and maintain the plant’s appearance. Incorporating these plants into your office can create a more pleasant and productive work environment.

How do plants improve the office environment?

Plants can significantly enhance the office environment by improving air quality, reducing stress, and increasing productivity. Here’s how:

Air Purification: Plants like the Snake Plant and Dracaena filter out toxins from the air, such as formaldehyde and benzene, commonly found in office environments.

Stress Reduction: The presence of greenery reduces stress levels and promotes a sense of well-being among employees.

Increased Productivity: Studies show that having plants in the office can boost productivity by up to 15%. The natural elements improve concentration and cognitive function​​. Lead researcher Marlon Nieuwenhuis, from Cardiff University’s School of Psychology, said:

“Our research suggests that investing in landscaping the office with plants will pay off through an increase in office workers’ quality of life and productivity." and “Simply enriching a previously Spartan space with plants served to increase productivity by 15%"

The research showed plants in the office significantly increased workplace satisfaction, self-reported levels of concentration, and perceived air quality.


What are the best plants for an office environment?

When selecting plants for your office, it's important to choose varieties that not only enhance the aesthetic but also improve air quality and are easy to maintain. Here are some top choices:

  1. Dracaena Lisa: This plant is known for its tall, elegant foliage and is perfect for adding a touch of sophistication to any office. It thrives in low to medium light and is very low maintenance​.

  2. Snake Plant (Sansevieria): Renowned for its air-purifying qualities, the Snake Plant is extremely resilient and can tolerate low light and infrequent watering, making it ideal for busy office environments​ (La Résidence)​.

  3. Braided Money Tree: This plant is not only believed to bring good luck and prosperity but also improves air quality. It requires minimal care and can adapt to various light conditions​.

Do medium-light plants require special maintenance?

Medium-light plants are relatively easy to care for, but some basic maintenance ensures they stay healthy and vibrant.Maintenance Tips for Medium-Light Plants:

  • Watering: Ensure the soil is slightly dry before watering again to prevent overwatering. Each plant may have specific watering needs, so it’s best to check individual requirements.

  • Lighting: Place these plants in areas where they can receive consistent, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight as it can scorch the leaves.

  • Soil: Use well-draining soil to keep roots healthy and prevent water from pooling at the bottom of the pot. A fresh, nutrient-rich potting mix is beneficial.

  • Cleaning: Dust off the leaves regularly with a damp cloth to maintain their ability to photosynthesize effectively.

  • Pruning: Remove any dead or yellowing leaves to encourage new growth and maintain the plant’s appearance.

  • Fertilizing: During the growing season (spring and summer), feed the plants with a balanced, gentle fertilizer to promote healthy growth. Reduce feeding during fall and winter.

  • Pest Control: Inspect plants regularly for pests like spider mites or aphids. Treat any infestations promptly with eco-friendly solutions.

  • Humidity and Temperature: Some medium-light plants, especially tropical varieties, appreciate higher humidity and warm temperatures. Consider misting them occasionally or using a humidifier if the air in your home is dry.

By following these simple tips, your medium-light plants will thrive, adding beauty and freshness to your indoor environment. For more detailed information and to find the perfect plant for your space, visit Léon & George's medium-light plant collection​.

What are some varieties of medium-light plants?

Explore our collection of plants that thrive in medium light conditions, perfect for spaces that receive steady but indirect light, such as areas about halfway between a window and the back wall.

Top Medium-Light Plants:

  1. Dracaena Lisa: Known for its upright growth and dark green leaves, this plant is ideal for adding a touch of elegance to your home.

  2. Braided Money Tree (Pachira Aquatica): Featuring a braided trunk and lush foliage, this plant symbolizes good fortune and thrives in medium light.

  3. Snake Plant (Sansevieria): Extremely low-maintenance, this plant can tolerate a range of lighting conditions, including medium light.

  4. Silver Evergreen (Aglaonema): This plant is appreciated for its striking foliage and ability to thrive in medium light.

  5. Philodendron: With its heart-shaped leaves, this versatile plant is perfect for medium light areas and adds a touch of greenery to any space.

  6. Calathea: Known for its beautifully patterned leaves, Calathea prefers medium light and brings a decorative element to your interior.

What are some varieties of bright-light plants?

Explore our collection of plants that thrive in bright light, perfect for spaces with generous natural light such as spots next to windows, windowsills, or under skylights.

Top Bright-Light Plants:

  1. Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia): Known for its stunning foliage and striking flowers, this plant thrives in bright light and adds a tropical touch to any space​ (La Résidence)​.

  2. Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus lyrata): With its large, glossy leaves, this plant is a favorite for bright, indirect light conditions and makes a bold statement in any room​

  3. Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica): This resilient plant prefers bright, indirect light and is known for its thick, shiny leaves that can enhance any interior decor​ (Leon & George)​​ (La Résidence)​.

  4. Monstera Deliciosa: Also known as the Swiss Cheese Plant, it thrives in bright light and its iconic leaves add a unique aesthetic to your home​ (Leon & George)​​ (La Résidence)​.

  5. Dracaena: With its striking variegated foliage, this plant does well in bright, indirect light and is easy to care for​ ​​ (La Résidence)​.

  6. Philodendron Brasil: This trailing plant with heart-shaped leaves and vibrant yellow stripes thrives in bright, indirect light and adds a touch of nature to any room​ (Leon & George)​​ (Leon & George)​.

  7. Pachira Aquatica (Money Tree): Known for its braided trunk and lush foliage, this plant prefers bright, indirect light and is a symbol of good fortune​ (Leon & George)​.

Do bright-light plants require special maintenance?

Bright-light plants are relatively easy to care for, but ensuring they get the right amount of light and proper care will keep them healthy and vibrant.

Maintenance Tips for Bright-Light Plants:

  • Watering: Bright-light plants typically need regular watering, but the soil should be allowed to dry out between waterings to prevent root rot. Be sure to check the specific needs of each plant.

  • Lighting: Place these plants in locations where they can receive plenty of bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight unless the plant specifically tolerates it, as too much direct light can scorch the leaves​ (La Résidence)​.

  • Soil: Use well-draining soil to keep roots healthy and prevent water from sitting at the bottom of the pot. Fresh, nutrient-rich potting mix will support robust growth.

  • Cleaning: Dust the leaves regularly with a damp cloth to ensure they can photosynthesize effectively and stay healthy.

  • Pruning: Trim any dead or yellowing leaves to encourage new growth and maintain the plant’s appearance.

  • Fertilizing: During the growing season (spring and summer), feed the plants with a balanced fertilizer to promote healthy growth. Reduce feeding during the fall and winter months.

  • Pest Control: Regularly inspect your plants for pests like spider mites or aphids. If you notice any, treat them promptly with eco-friendly solutions.

  • Humidity and Temperature: Many bright-light plants, especially tropical varieties, appreciate higher humidity and warm temperatures. Consider misting them occasionally or using a humidifier if the air in your home is dry.

By following these simple tips, your bright-light plants will flourish and bring a vibrant, lush feel to your indoor spaces​ (Leon & George)​​ (La Résidence)​.

Do low-light plants require special maintenance?

Low-light plants are ideal for those who want greenery with minimal fuss. However, some basic care is essential to keep them healthy and thriving.

Maintenance Tips for Low-Light Plants:

  • Watering: Low-light plants typically need less water. Ensure the soil is dry before watering again to avoid root rot.

  • Lighting: Although they tolerate low light, these plants still need some light. Place them near a north-facing window or in a room with indirect sunlight.

  • Soil: Use well-draining soil to prevent water from pooling at the roots. Fresh, nutrient-rich potting soil is beneficial as these plants will be photosynthesizing less.

  • Cleaning: Dust off the leaves regularly with a damp cloth to maximize their ability to photosynthesize and filter the air.

  • Pruning: Trim dead or yellowing leaves to encourage new growth and maintain the plant’s appearance.

  • Fertilizing: Use a balanced, gentle fertilizer sparingly. Over-fertilizing can harm low-light plants.

  • Pest Control: Inspect plants regularly for pests like aphids or spider mites. Treat any infestations promptly with eco-friendly solutions.

  • Ventilation: Ensure proper airflow around your plants to prevent fungal growth and maintain healthy foliage.

By following these simple tips, your low-light plants will continue to thrive and enhance your indoor environment​ (La Résidence)​​ (La Résidence)​.

What are some varieties of low-light plants?

Discover the charm of greenery that thrives even in the dimmest corners of your home.

Top Low-Light Plants:

  1. Snake Plant (Sansevieria): Known for its upright, sword-like leaves, this hardy plant is extremely low-maintenance and thrives in low light conditions.

  2. ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia): This nearly indestructible plant has glossy, dark green leaves and can tolerate neglect and low light environments.

  3. Parlor Palm (Chamaedorea elegans): Bringing a touch of the tropics to your home, this palm thrives in low light and adds a lush, green vibe.

  4. Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra elatior): True to its name, this plant is tough and resilient, thriving in low light and tolerating neglect.

  5. Pothos (Epipremnum aureum): With its trailing vines, this plant is perfect for shelves and hanging planters. It grows well in low light and requires minimal care.

  6. Dracaena Lisa: This plant has striking, bold foliage and is excellent for low-light conditions, making it a popular choice for indoor spaces.

  7. Silver Evergreen (Aglaonema): Known for its beautiful, patterned leaves, this plant is easy to care for and does well in low light​ (La Résidence)​​ (La Résidence)​.

Do easy-care plants require special maintenance?

Easy-care plants are perfect for those who want the beauty of nature without the hassle. However, some basic care ensures they stay healthy and vibrant.

Maintenance Tips for Easy-Care Plants:

  • Watering: Less is more. Most easy-care plants prefer to dry out between waterings. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so be cautious and let the soil dictate the watering schedule.

  • Lighting: While these plants are adaptable, placing them in appropriate lighting conditions can enhance their growth. Most easy-care plants thrive in indirect light, but some, like the Snake Plant, can tolerate low light.

  • Soil: Use well-draining soil to prevent water from sitting at the bottom of the pot, which can cause root rot.

  • Cleaning: Dust can accumulate on leaves, reducing their ability to photosynthesize. Wipe leaves with a damp cloth occasionally to keep them clean and healthy.

  • Pruning: Remove dead or yellowing leaves to encourage new growth and maintain the plant’s appearance.

  • Fertilizing: Feed your plants with a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer) to provide essential nutrients. Reduce feeding during fall and winter.

  • Pest Control: Regularly inspect your plants for signs of pests. If you notice any, treat them promptly with eco-friendly solutions.

Do you sell plants without a ceramic pot?

Yes, you can see our plant selection by clicking here.

The plants come with their nursery pot, our 45-day guarantee, and plant doctor access.

What if I travel somewhere – will my indoor plants die?

Not necessarily, especially if you plan ahead a bit. If you're going away for a week or less, there should be no problem if you soak the soil in advance. And if you're going away for longer check out our blog post or send us an email at [email protected] and we'll give you instructions for prepping your plant for the long haul.

What is the moisture meter and how does it work?

This moisture meter does not require batteries and uses a simple color scale: blue = no need to water, white = time to water. To use, gently insert as deep as possible into your plant’s soil, taking care not to damage any roots. Wait 20-30 minutes to read. If the window is completely white, water your plant as instructed on your care card. If the window is blue, hold off on watering until it turns completely white. You may leave the moisture meter in the soil of your plant, or remove it and insert again when you believe it may be time to water. 

Find more details and information about your new moisture meter here, or purchase them on their own here.

If you notice that your moisture meter is no longer turning blue, the filter may need to be replaced. Moisture meters typically need to be replaced after 6-9 months, and you can find core refill replacements ~~here~~.

Please note that Léon & George does not take responsibility for damage caused by incorrect or forceful use of the moisture meter. 

What are some varieties of easy-care plants?

Discover the charm of greenery that brings beauty to your space without demanding too much attention.

Top Easy-Care Plants:

  1. Snake Plant (Sansevieria): A hardy plant that thrives in various lighting conditions and requires minimal watering. Its upright leaves add a modern touch to any room.

  2. ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia): Known for its ability to survive in low light and with infrequent watering, this plant is almost indestructible.

  3. Pothos (Epipremnum aureum): This trailing plant is perfect for beginners. It tolerates low light and irregular watering, making it a great addition to any indoor space.

  4. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum): With its arching leaves and easy propagation, this plant is ideal for those new to plant care. It thrives in indirect light and only needs occasional watering.

  5. Aloe Vera: Not only is it low-maintenance, but Aloe Vera also has medicinal properties. It prefers bright, indirect light and minimal watering.

  6. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum): Known for its elegant white blooms, the Peace Lily is forgiving and can thrive in low light. It does well with weekly watering.

  7. Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra elatior): True to its name, this plant is tough and can tolerate neglect. It thrives in low light and requires little watering.

Do air-purifying plants require special care?

Indoor air-purifying plants do not require special care. However, proper maintenance is crucial to ensure their effectiveness in cleansing the environment.

You don't need a green thumb to get the best out of them. So, how do you keep them not only looking good but also functional? Here are some detailed tips on maintaining these air-purifying plants:

  • Watering: Keep it balanced! Adequate and moderate watering is key to preventing the disaster of root rot.

  • Misting: A light misting can work wonders. Regularly spray the foliage with distilled or filtered water to recreate the humidity these green beauties love. This simple wellness step also helps keep pests at bay while providing top-level hydration to your plants for better air filtration.

  • Pruning: Give them a trim now and then. Removing wilted or damaged leaves encourages vigorous growth and reduces disease risk. Think of it as a quick makeover session.

  • Leaf Cleaning: How about a little home spa treatment? Dusting the leaves with a damp cloth not only makes them shine but also maximizes their ability to filter the air.

  • Fertilizing: Feed them, but do it right! Organic nutrients during the growing season contribute to their well-being without exposing your home to chemicals.

  • Lighting: Proper lighting makes all the difference. Placing your plant in a bright spot without direct sunlight is like giving it chic and effective sunglasses.

  • Pest Control: Play plant detective. Regular checks under the leaves and around the pot can prevent unwanted infestations. At the first sign of trouble, act quickly with eco-friendly care solutions.

What are the different varieties of air-purifying plants?

Discover the power of plants that do more than just decorate your home!

In these times where well-being is central, the indoor air you breathe deserves a little rejuvenation. Forget sprays and gadgets; the real magic comes from nature itself.

Here are some must-haves:

Essential Air-Purifying Plants:

  1. Ficus (Rubber Plant, Fiddle Leaf Fig, Weeping Fig): This classic beauty is also an effective air purifier. It's like having a self-growing air filter!

  2. Dracaena: With boldly colored green and red leaves, this plant is more than just eye candy. It acts as a filter for notorious chemical pollutants.

  3. Philodendron: This hardy plant is a workhorse, absorbing unwanted substances in its immediate environment. The best part? It thrives in various light conditions.

  4. Spathiphyllum (Peace Lily): This elegant plant not only unveils its pristine white flowers but is also formidable against formaldehyde and various hydrocarbons. A must for sophisticated interiors.

  5. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum): Don't be misled by its name; this plant isn't infested with pests. It's a guardian angel that absorbs xylene and toluene. Ideal for large spaces due to its rapid growth.

  6. Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens): Besides giving a tropical vibe to your living room, this plant is a champion air purifier. Benzene and trichloroethylene vanish like magic.

Note for Pet Owners: Before welcoming these natural purifiers, ensure they are compatible with your furry friends. Some plants can be toxic to pets. Check out our collection of pet-friendly plants.

Do non-toxic plants require special care?

Indoor plants that are safe for your cat or dog do not require special care. However, proper maintenance is crucial to ensure their longevity.

So, how do you keep them looking their best? Here are some detailed tips on maintaining these pet-friendly plants:

  • Watering: Keep it balanced! Adequate and moderate watering is key to preventing root rot disasters.

  • Misting: A light misting can work wonders. Regularly spray the foliage with distilled or filtered water to recreate the humidity these green beauties love. This simple wellness step also helps keep pests at bay while providing top-level hydration.

  • Pruning: Give them a trim now and then. Removing wilted or damaged leaves encourages vigorous growth and reduces disease risk. Think of it as a quick makeover session.

  • Leaf Cleaning: How about a little home spa treatment? Dusting the leaves with a damp cloth not only makes them shine but also maximizes their ability to absorb light.

  • Fertilizing: Feed them, but do it right! Organic nutrients during the growing season contribute to their well-being without exposing your home and pets to chemicals.

  • Lighting: Proper lighting makes all the difference. Placing your plant in a bright spot without direct sunlight is like giving it chic and effective sunglasses.

  • Pest Control: Play plant detective. Regular checks under the leaves and around the pot can prevent unwanted infestations. At the first sign of trouble, act quickly with eco-friendly care solutions.

Is your Forest Moss safe for pets?

Yes, our preserved forest moss is safe to have around pets. This is not to be confused with allowing your pets to consume the moss in large amounts.

How big do fig trees get?

Fiddle leaf fig trees (Ficus lyrata) are a popular indoor houseplant known for their large, glossy leaves. When grown indoors, these trees typically reach a height of 6-10 feet, although they can potentially grow taller if provided with adequate care.

The size of a fiddle leaf fig tree can also depend on the size of the pot or container it is grown in. If the pot is too small, the tree may become root-bound and unable to grow to its full potential. It is a good idea to repot your fiddle leaf fig tree into a slightly larger pot every two to three years to give the roots more room to grow and to provide the plant with fresh soil.

How do I pick the right indoor plant for my space?

Our full collection is curated to feature easy-care greenery that's well adapted for city environments. You can start by shopping our best sellers, or browse plants by size, light levels, and more.

We typically start personalized recommendations with three questions:

  1. Where do you want to place it?

  2. What kind of light does that area get?

  3. What's your level of plant care experience?

These will help guide you according to the plant's light requirements and the options that best fit your space and lifestyle.

The care guides on each product page will have more details on what each plant needs to thrive. With the exception of a select few options, almost all our greenery is acclimated to be resilient and tolerate a wide range of conditions, so we recommend following your heart (and/or your interior design vision board).

Our Plant Stylists are also available to help! If you're not sure where to start, try our personalized plant styling form and we'll help you find your perfect match.

What if my plant and pot look different than on the website?

No two plants are exactly alike. Each plant is hand-selected for health and beauty, and will match the photo you see online as closely as possible. Similarly, our ceramics are handmade and can display slight variations.

Despite the time and care that goes into this process, living plants and handmade ceramics can vary from one to another, and we understand that shopping online for plants can be a new experience.

If for any reason you're not over the moon about your new greenery, please reach out and we'd be happy to help: [email protected]

How do I assemble the wood stand?

Assembly Instructions for Wood Stand

  1. Align and Insert Crossbars: Take the two crossbars and align them with the slots on the legs. Insert the crossbars into the slots, ensuring they fit snugly and the structure forms an "X" shape.

  2. Secure Crossbars: Once the crossbars are inserted, ensure they are securely connected by pushing them firmly into place. Check that the legs are stable and the crossbars are level. Place the Container:

  3. Position the assembled stand upright. Carefully place the container or pot onto the stand, ensuring it sits securely and evenly on the crossbars. Your wood stand is now assembled and ready for use!

Wood Stand assembly

How do I choose the right plant for my space?

Just like people, every plant has a unique personality. They'll look and feel different in your space, and they might take a few days or weeks to get used to being in their new homes. But we've curated our collection to feature easy-care greenery that's well adapted for city environments. You can start by shopping our best sellers, or browse plants by size, light levels, and more. The care guide on every product page will have more details about what will make each plant happiest. With the exception of a select few plants, almost all our greenery is acclimated to be resilient and tolerate a wide range of conditions, so we recommend following your heart (and/or your interior design vision board).

We're also here to help! So if you're not sure where to start, you can fill out our personalized styling form here and we'll help you find your perfect match.

What's the difference between Mid-Century and Scandinavian plants?

The difference is in the pot style, not the plant.

Simple to care for, easy to love

Find your perfect plant.

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